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NTA4153NT1G, Samsun (HK) Co., Limited - Inventory

SAMSUN (HK) Electronics Co.Limited is an electronics company, specialized in integrated circuits of various country brands, and it has rich experience in electronics field. Under the violent competition, it gradually makes a set of its own sales pattern with unique mode of operation and superior service. We deputize distribution for various countries IC name brands: Altera、ADI、ATMEL、SIPEX、ELANTE...

Unit Price in USD
Part Number Description Brand Qty Unit Price D/C Delivery Remarks
NTA4153NT1G SOT-523 ON 1712 2013+
NTHC5513T1G SOT23-8 ON 1838 2013+
NTHS5443T1G 1206-8 ON 7779 2013+
NTJD1155LT1G SOT363 ON 2260 2013+
NTJS4151PT1G SOT363 ON 14400 2013+
NTMD2P01R2G SOP-8 ON 11 2013+
NTMD3P03R2G SOP-8 ON 230 2013+
NTMD4184PFR2G SOP-8 ON 5050 2013+
NTMD4820NR2G SOP-8 ON 151 2013+
NTMD4840NR2G SOP-8 ON 58 10+
NTMD4884NFR2G SOP-8 ON 38 2013+
NTMD4N03R2G SOP-8 ON 67 2013+
NTMD6N03R2G SOP-8 ON 32 2013+
NTMD6P02R2G SOP-8 ON 23 2013+
NTMFS4835NT1G QFN ON 1500 08+
NTMS10P02R2G SOP-8 ON 187 2013+
NTMS4176PR2G SOP-8 ON 62 2013+
NTMS4503NR2G SOP-8 ON 4653 2013+
NTMS4800NR2G SOP-8 ON 3929 10+
NTMS4800NR2G SOP-8 ON 11 2013+

Inventory Index: 1   2   3   4   5   6   7   8   9   10  


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